Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jackson Baker's Crystal Ball on Consolidation

This prediction tidbit was in The Memphis Flyer recently. Place your bets. Consolidation is so complex that 2-3 years won't be long enough. Also, AC has probably seen polling data that shows county (outside city limits) voters want "no piece" of this action. In reality, Jackson's crystal ball couldn't be clearer.

Your everlasting patience will be rewarded sooner or later.
Mayor A C Wharton's honeymoon with the Memphis public will be in danger of wearing out once people realize that he really is serious about city/county consolidation and that he is in dead earnest about a seemingly facetious suggestion he made to the Flyer in 2009 when the county commission was on the verge of naming an interim county mayor. At the time, Wharton proposed to do both jobs — the county one without pay. This idea, renewed for real in the form of a ballot referendum, will so disturb the traditional good cop/bad copy dichotomy of the dual-mayors' system that the electorate will revolt. Just kidding: In reality, the newly named Metro Charter Commission will extend its deliberations beyond 2010 and (maybe) suggest a referendum for 2012, a year after the next city election. — Jackson Baker

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